The Most Important Commitment You Can Make + Huge Announcement

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this episode I'm going to talk about the most important commitment that you can make in your life and I'm going to make a huge announcement about actualize org I'm going to spoil the announcement a bit here I want it to make it at the end of the video and I'm going to talk at the end of the video a lot about the announcement but I'm just going to spoil it for you right here in case you don't want to sit through to the very end which is that actualized org now has a forum the actualized org self-improvement forums it's a place where you can go and interact with the people for free and learn tips and tricks of self actualization so go ahead and check that out right now you can go it's live you can sign up for an account but stick with me I'm going to talk more about that announcement and some important features of that announcement at the very end but I want to give you the meat of what I want to talk about here today which is this commitment idea what's the most important thing that you can commit your life to well we'll get to that in a minute first let me just say have you noticed that my videos are kind of abnormally long sometimes they're like 30 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes why is that well one reason of course is that I simply just like to hear myself talk as people have pointed out to me but the second reason the more important one is that self mastery what we're doing here self mastery this is a very deep field a very deep field and one of the challenges I have in working in this field is that I have to wrack my brain every single week thinking about how to teach you all this amazing deep stuff that I've discovered in this field like really deep stuff stuff that would blow your mind stuff that you haven't even heard from me before like you think some of the stuff I been doing lately has been deep now I'm talking about like really deep stuff but the problem is is that it's really hard to communicate some of these subtle and deep concepts and ideas and techniques in a 30-minute video or a 60-minute video even a 90-minute video really to properly cover these subjects would take hours entire courses which is something that I'm moving towards and something that I'm planning on doing more of in the future but see what I really need from you is I need a sort of commitment from you a commitment and a a vision for what self mastery could mean to your life this goes way beyond just watching some videos of mine you need to be reading stuff you need to be doing exercises you need to be going to retreats and workshops you need to be much more engaged in this entire process of self mastery and my challenge is to convince you of doing that because this is not a logical argument this is kind of like an emotional thing that you need to get over right you got to realize that to really get amazing results with personal development you need to spend years studying and experimenting now some results you can get within a matter of weeks or a few months and that's cool and that's what you need to get started right because you don't want to be investing years into something and then not seeing any results so you need some of those initial results but you got to be smart enough to see the bigger picture here the kick-ass results that you can get the life transforming results those will take you realistically three to five years to see that's three to five years of priming the pump priming the pump is like you're pumping pumping pumping away and nothing's really coming out yet you're investing right it's an investment a long-term investment this is a huge investment it's a huge investment of your time your energy there's other stuff you could be doing you could be having fun you could be entertaining yourself or whatever I know that but the question you should really be asking yourself is yes okay the investment is huge Leo you want me to be pouring all this effort into this okay uh but see a wise person the way wise person thinks is like this is like well I'm fine with a huge investment as long as my payoff is going to be equally huge you see in fact when I see a huge investment I get excited because that means that there's a possibility of a huge payoff so the question is is it worth it is it worth investing these three to five years to see these so-called promised kick-ass results and the answer of course is absolutely absolutely this is the most worthwhile thing you could be doing in your life my job is to deliver wisdom to you now wisdom and I want to talk about this in a whole separate episode this issue of wisdom because this is one of those deep topics but in a nutshell what wisdom is is it's knowing worth what is worthwhile to pursue and what's not worthwhile to pursue it's the ability to have a certain keen sense of judgment and priorities in life it's the ability to make decisions in a way that leads to the optimal outcome in the end and to do this you have to think holistically you have to think strategically you have to think very long-term you have to make long-term evaluations it's kind of like being president of the country or CEO of the corporation or the general on the battlefield right these people have to make big macro decisions and how do they do that well they develop wisdom and how do they develop wisdom by doing a broad survey and having a lot of experience right you do a broad survey of all the different things you could be doing in life and you learn you learn what things are really going to get you to the end result that you want to that fulfillment that you're looking for and then you also learn about all the things that seem like they'll get you there but are ashlee detours or dead ends or cul-de-sacs and there's a lot of cul-de-sacs that you've probably experienced already in your life pick up can be a cul-de-sac marriage can be a cul-de-sac business can be a cul-de-sac going out and earning more money can be a cul-de-sac entertainment and partying and hedonism and drugs those are all ultimately cul-de-sacs see but it's hard to appreciate this when you're not seeing the big picture when you haven't done the survey the survey of the whole field yet of all that life has to offer and until you do then you can't really be wise you can't make wise decisions you make immature decisions decisions that come back to bite you in the ass decades later much to your embarrassment and they create a lot of suffering and misery in your life that shouldn't have been there right so one of the values that I can provide to you when I speak to you is that I can help to convince you of what's wise and what's not wise and let me tell you one of the wisest things you can do one of the most worthwhile things you can do in your life is to learn personal development really learn it from the inside out learn everything about it live it to the point where you not just learn the theory but you actually learn the practice you learn how to embody learn all the nuances and that takes some effort that takes years to do that why is this the wisest thing well because actually there's nothing more important or urgent or practical than learning personal development I mean what's more relevant and important to your life than learning how to optimize your own life everything else is secondary really if you think about it a lot of what we do in modern societies we outsource work to other people for example if I need to repair my car get an oil change I'll go to mechanic I don't even know how to change the oil in my car because it's easier for me to outsource that for forty dollars than to spend a week learning how to do it myself and likewise maybe if I have a computer problem I can outsource that to some kind of computer tech guy and he can do that for me because he's more knowledgeable about computers and it would take me years to learn everything about computers to be able to code this complicated piece of software that I need him to code for me and so we do this right we rely on other people this is the the specialization we're highly specialized in modern society so that's good in a sense but there's a problem with that in that you can't do that with the overarching direction of your whole life you see you can't outsource being a CEO of your own life imagine for example that you got elected president of the country alright you I'd like to president now president is the one who sees and makes all the judgments and decisions based on his foresight and his good judgment and his wisdom in his years and decades of experience that's the purpose of a president right that's the purpose of a strong leader is that he can integrate he could see and he can come up with a vision for the future that other people can't quite see because he has that something extra in him that allows him to do that right this is what a great leader does but now imagine that you became president of the country but then what she did is you said oh you know what I'll just outsource have to somebody else all that's some other member of my cabinet do it for me or I'll just pay this guy over here to do it for me two problems with that first of all you became president because you actually want to be the leader I mean don't you want to be the one that's leading your own life you don't want me leading your life you want to be leading your own life you want me to just be a resource for you but see what most people do is they just kind of take the back seat and when they watch these videos when they listen to me then is kind of like I become the leader of your life and then you just become the follower and you don't go out there really take the initiative to learn the inside guts of this thing we're calling personal development what you really need to do is you need to learn how the engine works so if you're a mechanic and you really want to be good mechanic you learn how the engine works right you have to study it now it doesn't make sense for you who's not a mechanic to study how an engine works because that'd probably be a wasted your time you don't really care about engines okay fine but you can't do that with your life you can't take that kind of attitude with your life because if you do that what happens then is that you're not really taking responsibility for your life right you want to be the leader to get the amazing results you need to be able to see the big big big big ultimate picture of everything concealed in life is all-inclusive it includes everything includes all the sub domains of life it includes your career your relationships your fitness issues your your health your medical conditions your uh you know who you involve yourself with your friends and how you entertainers all these things fit into life including the pursuit of truth and your education and how much money you have all these are just little facets of this bigger thing we call life and one of my missions is to to show you as the depth at which you can master life and understand how the guts work but to do that I need you to really be on board and committed to learning how the guts work and not just looking for a quick fix solution like you're going to take some little technique of mine you're gonna go use it and then you're gonna say olio this didn't work or maybe it did work for you and you say oh yeah it worked and you're going to keep using at your whole life but then you're not gonna go deeper and learn you know why is it working why am i saying the things I'm saying why does everything that I say uh fit together in a certain way how did I come up with these conclusions the point is not for you just to come up here into - believe me and just to accept these things on faith that's not going to help you no more than if you want to learn to be a mechanic and someone told you about how an engine works and you just learned it memorized it and then you think you know how it works but really you know how it works you just memorized something someone told you if we actually give you a real live engine we tell you to take it apart and put it back together again you'll destroy that engine you see so that involves tinkering on your part and a genuine curiosity in the field a commitment to mastery in the field the only way that I can show you everything that I want to show you that I know that you can learn that will completely transform your life is if I convince you I persuade you I believe you I shock you into making this commitment this is not a logical argument something you have to kind of get in your bones in your heart it's just basically me mind you that's what I'm doing up here it's not the techniques that I'm delivering or the information I'm giving you that's important what's important is the mindfuck component you need to get mind by somebody into seeing and waking up and saying oh oh this is so freaking important why didn't I see it before I was asleep the whole time that's really the most important thing you can get from me if some of that rubs off on you see one of the greatest decisions that I made in my life personally was back in like 2007-2008 when I first stumbled upon self-help as a genre as a field I actually went to Barnes & Noble ever I went to a book store Barnes & Noble this was in Fort Worth Texas when I just first started my first business and I had some spare time and I wanted to kind of improve my habits and I was just looking through the aisles and I found the self-help aisle I didn't even know the self-help aisle existed I just found it in the bookstore and there I was just looking through all the stuff and I was kind of amazed at all this stuff that was there and I just picked the thing that I thought was going to be like the most productive and I was just Tony Robbins CD program CD program from Tony Robbins cost like 50 bucks or something and I bought that and then I started listening to that in my car I remember during my lunch breaks when I was you know in between work and like just something in me clicked I saw it was just like a vision of like oh my god this multiplied if I just keep doing this multiplied times year after year after year decade after decade after decade is going to completely transform my whole life see so there I got convinced I kind of convinced myself or I don't know Tony Robbins can do something convinced me um but see you have to have that kind of imagination to see what self mastery over the decades will really mean for you because usually our imaginations are lazy and they don't think very far ahead they're not very ambitious they're not what we'd call like a visionary imagination they just kind of think like one or two steps ahead they don't see 10 or 20 steps ahead I saw then and there that I need to learn the inner workings of self help not just listen to Tony Robbins in my mind it was like yes Tony Rob has so many great things I like it ok cool but it's like no no no this is just a tip of the iceberg in my mind it was immediate like no I'm mastering this whole field mastering the whole field not just one program not just one book or a couple of them I'm gonna understand all the inner workings and the guts of it and by the way I didn't just do that because I said to myself well I need to because this is going to be like my career now I didn't have any ambitions to be a self-help guru or anything like that for years that happened much later much later so I'm not saying that you have to do this with some kind of ambition to become some self-help guru I mean you could if you want but um no you just need this personally for yourself to get great results the reason that I started actualised org is not to make money and it's not to be a self-help guru but it's to show people the deepest understanding of life that's possible and that's tough to do it's tough to go deep especially on a platform such as YouTube where I'm competing with with people who are shooting five ten minute videos about stupid humor and whatever else right um but this is necessary this depth is necessary not only is it necessary to get great results it's also just fascinating it's one of the most fascinating things you'll find in life I mean what's more fascinating to you than the study of yourself I mean you're the thing you care the most about in life don't lie that's the only thing you pretty much care about in life is you so you might as well study the out of it right what else could be more practical what else is a better use of your time are you starting get on board starting to see the possibilities I don't know Matt's like sit down for an hour just visualize the possibilities because you need to get your mind thinking along these lines and connect all the dots together and just see what's possible for you 20 years down the road if you just keep on this road and it's not like you need to delay for 20 years I'm not telling you that for the next 20 years you need to grind it out and it's going to be no fun and it's going to be no results and only then you'll guess you're going to get results pouring in before that much earlier but also you got to be smart and make sure you're not trading the long term huge gains for the little short-term shortcuts and magic pill solutions and little gains that you get upfront those are all nice but really that's not why you're doing it you're doing it for the long-term once you get your mind making this paradigm shift then all the sudden you're going to be more engaged you're going to be more tolerant and more patient you can have more focus for washing along video or read a long book which otherwise you would never do you see so bottom line is what I want from you is I want a commitment from you I want a commitment from you for a lifelong study in pursuit of self mastery do you want to make that commitment if you can see the possibilities and make the commitment with me right now the way that I did what is it like eight years ago now seven years ago and I'm still just tapping into the all the kick-ass results that I could be getting I mean I've already gotten a lot of kickass results from this process but all the more most kick-ass results are still way ahead for me right that's what's so exciting about this journey is that it really never stops bearing fruit it's like you're planting an apple tree that just keeps dropping apples just every day year after year after year after year and all you got to do is just nurture it for a few years to get it to that mature state word the Apple start to drop so if you can see that in your mind's eye then make this commitment with me right now say this with me I commit to the lifelong study of self mastery said again I commit to the lifelong study of self mastery one more time say with me I commit to the lifelong study of self mastery excellent make sure that you mean it and if you're still wavering on that then sit down and really drill into it and and contemplate the significance that this kind of commitment could have in your life what it could do for you you see this commitment right here will solve many many many many problems in your life and will lead to many many beautiful things that you can't even expect yet and that takes some visionary skills on your part to see all right so enough about that I covered the commitment topic now let me talk a little bit about this big announcement with actualize org and the forum so the announcement is is that we just launched the actualized org forum it's a free community where you can go and create an account and sign up and what you get is you get access to all the other individuals who are really keen on doing self-actualization work I've really been amazed we already have a hundred people the initial test run we tested the form with a hundred people and I sent out invitations to two folks and they responded back and I was amazed at some of the stories and applications that I read from these folks if some of these folks have lots of experience they've overcome serious crippling challenges in their life and they're working on themselves and they're reading a lot and they're they're pursuing self development like they made a commitment to it these folks are living what I'm talking about here and a lot of them are pursuing enlightenment and meditation all the stuff that I talk about right so this community here is a community of people who share a common set of values this is a rare thing if you've tried to look for a self-help community online you might have discovered that is hard to find a good one I mean I'm sure there are some out there but personally I haven't really found any that I really liked that much there are either all kind of dead there's not that many people there the discussions there are really low quality or the discussions are about topics that are really not central to self-actualization it's really not about self-actualization it's more about how to fix a problem that I have so for example you might find a online message board about how to cure depression or how to overcome alcohol addiction or something like this I mean that can be helpful for some people sure but there's something very different between that and between what we're doing here with actualized org the actualized org forum here we're focused on positive psychology here we're focused on how do you hit your peak potential life this is what you really need if you're depressed you don't need to go to a depression forum what you really need to do is you need to go to a forum or a place where people are talking about how you can lift yourself up to the highest you can be right because when you go to a depression forum what you're doing is actually you're you're basking in depression because everyone there is depressed and they're talking about their depression you go to a self-actualization forum and you hear people talking about amazing stuff that they're doing in their life and all the amazing possibilities that now gets you excited about how you could outgrow your depression transcend your depression and move into something really amazing that maybe you didn't even imagine was possible before for you you see forums I feel like are really greatly underappreciated resources online of all the different tools that are available online from like Twitter and Facebook and social media accounts and there's all sorts of different websites and applications and different kinds of software that can let you do all sorts of you know great utilitarian things but forums and forums have been around since the very beginning of the internet since the the 1990s forums are actually I think one of the most old-school and yet still most functional and important tools of the internet this is a format that allows you to discuss subject matter that you would otherwise never be able to discuss with anybody else and it allows you to learn things that you would not be able to learn anyway else you can't just learn it the same way through a book or through a video or through a seminar something like that I mean all of these different modalities are useful and I encourage you to use them all but there's something very special about forums and in my own life there were key moments where actually forums if I really think about it I can I can attribute my personal success right now where I am my position in life my financial independence I can tribute all of that I can tie it all back to my participation forums over the last 10 to 20 years I've used forums to learn software development and web programming and scripting that otherwise I would not have been able to really learn I've used forums to create my first career my game design career that I started was it it was a really good career I got a really good job right out of the gate and that was because I was participating in a game development forum and I created a mod there and I got a lot of recognition on the forum for it which then allowed me to use that as a stepping stone and then move into my my first career stat was huge that was life transforming for me and then uh also for the first business that I started my internet marketing business basically that entire business was started for me being dissatisfied with my game development career which is ironic cuz I got that through a forum but then I went to a new forum and I started learning about internet marketing and so um that forum allowed me to then create a business that went on to earn hundreds of thousands over a million dollars in cash so that was from uh from another forum right and there was no way I would have learned all that information by myself through a book or anything at forums discuss topics that are not usually available in books and then after that after my business endeavors then I found myself really lacking with dating and not knowing how to attract women and so again I went and I looked at forums and I found a forum that taught me how to attract women and that was really instrumental for me because there is no way I would have learned some of the things that I learned and basically my whole personality structure has changed from the things that I learned on that forum it was actually multiple forums that I used not just one so that that was huge that was life transforming for me where I am today where I live today I live in Las Vegas that basically happened because of what was enabled on that forum and then and then after that you know after I got done with my dating stuff and I got a little better there and I got happy with my results there then I also went and I found some consciousness development forums I started learning about enlightenment and other things like this and I started getting help through forums and I get it sort of getting mentoring and stuff like that and that was instrumental for my understanding of enlightenment and my understanding of consciousness and meditation and a lot of the things that I teach you now things that are now like a cutting edge in my life a lot of those things I learned through forums so the point being is that these are tools that can be really really simple on the surface it can seem like all form you know what kind of for really do for me but then when you actually get involved in the community you see other people doing it you just get hooked into it you start learning stuff you start learning little tips and tricks that you would have never found in any book no matter how many of them you read uh and you just get involved and get passionate about something and stuff starts to click for you and you start moving advancing forward in ways that you didn't imagine was possible before you know it was challenging for me to make this decision of releasing this forum it wasn't easy because one of the challenges with the forum is that it's a democratic place I'm not there to rule over everybody and in fact in a sense the forum sort of goes against my personal self agenda because with actualize a Touareg what I could have decided to do is I could have just said you know what all that actualize abrooke is going to be is just me standing up here and talking and spouting my opinions and ideas about personal development and then you know releasing courses and people would buy those and I would live happily ever after um that's kind of like the business model that I was going down but then I also started to to kind of get this higher calling which was telling me like but how can I deliver even more value to people beyond the videos beyond the courses how do I get really how do I really get people to self-actualize and of course the answer immediately came up as okay start a community you need a community it's much easier to self-actualize in a community of people but then of course I had a lot of doubts you know the ego throws up doubts and fears and it's as well but what about you know what about the community what if the community just becomes so good and so autonomous that they don't even need me anymore what if it affects my bottom line what if they don't buy my courses anymore what if you know all these what-ifs all these fears so I struggle with that for a while and I have to see you know what am I really after here what I really want and ultimately I decided that what I really am after is my original goal with actualize our wishes to to deliver the deepest understanding possible to you and I just felt like I couldn't do that just through video alone or through courses right and I just knew that I wouldn't be satisfied until I got more people invested and more people seeing the depth of possibilities here and to me that meant that I had to I really did have a choice in the matter I had to release this forum and so that's what I've been working on for the last couple months and here it is a lot of people have been asking me over the last couple of years you know Leo how do I find people who are into self-actualization it's so hard none of my friends are into it my family isn't into it they think I'm weird you know where do I go well here's your solution to that problem the people on this forum are going to be focused and specialized on self-actualization all the stuff that I cover in my videos we're going to have high quality discussion there I've got a great moderation team I'm really excited about that they have a lot of experience and a lot of these folks are pursuing stuff like enlightenment and other advanced personal development concepts the other really cool possibility here is that we can really develop a big live community so I have a lot of subscribers to the YouTube channel I have a lot of subscribers on my email newsletter list and so I encourage all of you to go and check out the forum because think of the possibilities here we can get a community of 10,000 maybe even a hundred thousand people over the next couple of years coming together and if it's if it's going to be centered around the right set of values these values of self-actualization then man this community could really be something incredible and one thing that I'm really stressing with this community is higher consciousness values so that's something that we're going to try to moderate on and something that's we're going to try to get everyone to kind of rally around because these are things that you don't really see in other places I think it's really hard to find high consciousness communities on the internet most internet communities are pretty low consciousness so this can be something of a unique point about the actual eyes that are on forum you can come here to meet like-minded people you can make friends all crowd across the world or in your local area you can share tips and tricks for how to self actualize how to be more productive how to be better at relationships how to improve your health how to find your life purpose how to improve your career how to earn more money how to start a business how to do enlightenment work how to meditate all these topics that are central to your life right you're also going to get perspectives from different people not just for myself so what I'm giving you with my videos and my my standard actualize that our content is basically one perspective on the world the actualized org léo perspective but that's not the only perspective there's plenty of other valid perspectives and other valid and different ways of doing personal development and that's something that you'll be able to experience on the forum you can also share great resources you can share your favorite books your favorite movies your favorite programs your favorite coaching seminars and workshops and all this kind of stuff you know there's a lot of amazing resources out there filtering through it all on your own can be expensive and challenging this forum will help you a lot with that you can also get emotional support and this is huge because you know what if you're in a rut right now in your life you're feeling lazy were you feeling depressed you're feeling like you've got this problem that you can't overcome like you've got some kind of addiction or you're just stuck and you don't know what to do or you're just feeling like very negative and you don't think that it's going to work out for you that's we're getting other people to come and to assess your situation more objectively is really helpful other people who are compassionate who have been where you've been who have much more life experience than you who can infuse your worldview with a little bit more wisdom a little bit more objectivity and get you that kind of emotional leverage that you need on yourself to really go out there and change your life and make it stick so you can get emotional support and accountability people can hold you accountable for actually starting to take action another really cool feature that I think will be really useful if you guys want to do this and there's a section on the forum right now already for this is something I call self actualization journals you can create a journal a public record where you can just keep adding entries on a weekly basis of how your self actualizing how yourself developing the challenges you're overcoming and you can be very brutally honest about this and this will be almost like therapeutic for you and it will also be highly inspirational to the people that are following your journal and you can just kind of keep adding to it and that will build a lot of momentum for you and hold you accountable for doing the things that you want to do as far as your personal development goes and lastly I think a key feature of the forum is that I'm going to try to contribute some personal content for myself they're the actual eyes that are content here uh I try to make it personal but there's a lot of stuff that I have to hold back because it's not quite polished you know it takes a lot of effort to to shoot these videos to make sure they're polished and nice and everybody sees them and stuff on the forum I'm going to be chiming in and I'm going to be leaving comments and I'm going to be contributing content there which is going to be in a sense even more powerful than what you get here through the videos because it's going to be like raw unpolished content and that can be very eye-opening because when you see kind of the polished presentation of self development it just seems a little bit like well but Leo how do I apply this in my life you kind of get that kind of vibe from it when you see like the raw guts of how people do personal development that's often very different from the kind of polished perspective that you get in a video or in a seminar to program somewhere right the real down-to-earth no like dirty personal development what does that really look like well if you go to the forum then that's what you're going to see happening right there live before your eyes every single day so those are all the features I hope that you can see some powerful possibilities here and if you're committed to this thing we call self mastery then this is just the perfect opportunity for you it's free it's open right now go ahead and create an account you're going to need to create a new account so if you already have an existing actualizado account for the actualizado website the forum needs a separate account so go ahead and open that and I look forward to seeing you there there's going to be a button at the end of this episode that you can click that will take you straight to the forum all right that's it I'm Leo and I'm done signing off you